Our Dyatlov Pass expedition narrated by Bedtime Stories

Richard Holmgren and Andreas Liljegren, Dyatlov Pass 2019. Illustrations: courtesy of Bedtime Stories 2019.

The team behind the celebrated YouTube series “Bedtime Stories”, have a real passion for the unexplained. Their productions combine stunning illustrations with well researched and spellbinding narration. In their recent episode “Return to Dead Mountain” (The Dyatlov Pass Incident - Part 3), their video and Podcast depicts our expedition and new theory of 2019. Kudos to a great production team for presenting our effort in this thrilling manner - not the least for being cartoonized, which really felt awarding. 

See Bedtime Stories and “Return to Dead Mountain”

NOTE! In the podcast it is incorrectly stated that the first three to die were Slobodin, Dyatlov and Kolmogorova. This is not in line with our theory. Instead - these individuals were the last to succumb.

Skiing in the footsteps of the Dyatlov group - watch a preview of our upcoming documentary.

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