Our Dyatlov Pass Expedition 2019 - back in Sweden

Richard Holmgren, Andreas Liljegren, Artem Domogirov, Ekaterina Zimina & Konstantin Keller

Read about the results and experiences from our Swedish-Russian Dyatlov Pass Expedition of 2019. The aim was to ski through the valleys and eventually camp in the legendary Dyatlov pass – this in the trails of the devastating ski tour made by the Dyatlov group in 1959.

Our venture was set to experience the same time period and days as Igor Dyatlov's team and to pitch the tent on the slope of Kholat Syakhl, the first of February 2019, 60 years after the incident. 

Click below for a summary of our 2019 expedition and
the new theory to the 1959 case

Skiing in the trail of the Dyatlov group - watch our short film. 

For the interested Swedish audience - click the link below for various media presentations in the wake of our 2019 expedition 

Dyatlov Pass Expedition 2019 Gallery

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